Somewhere between 90% and 95% of seniors want to stay in their own home. Read on to find out how to keep your loved one in their own home with all of the comforts of assisted living.
There comes a time in most of our lives when we have to face a sobering question:
What do we do with Mom?

Assisted Living for Mom no longer has to be in a facility. Now your Mother can have all the comforts of assisted living in the comfort of her own home.
It is not a question that indicates loss of love. It can mean we no longer live close to her and she needs help with daily living. It may mean she has some sort of dementia. It may mean we live close to her, but in the midst of living our lives, it is difficult to find the time to spend with her that she needs.
Do these mean it is time to put her into a home?
That may be a great choice.
But is that the choice she would have wanted?
The fact is, probably not. Somewhere between 90% and 95% of seniors want to stay in their own home. And is it any wonder? She has spent the past several decades making her house a home. Her home is where she raised her children, spoiled her grandchildren, entertained her friends, babysat the neighbors, found ways to beautify its walls, spent countless hours cleaning it, filled its air with smells of Thanksgiving, placed presents under the Christmas tree, hid eggs at Easter time, found ways to pinch pennies to pay it off.
Not very many of us say, “When I grow up I want to have my own house so that when I am old enough my children will put me in a community home.”
Assisted Living Facilities are not a bad choice, do not get me wrong. It just is probably not where Mom wants to be.
So what is the alternative?
How about Assisted Living in her own home? A place where she can be taken care of, enjoy companionship, have her meals taken care of, where she can have help with personal hygiene, a place where she can be watched over to make sure she is safe. But also a place where her family can visit her and be filled with memories. A place where she can feel a sense of community, and the community feels she is part of it because of the time she spent in it. A place where she can go on excursions to her

She worked hard to make the house a home. Let her stay in it – while keeping her safe and taken care of. Contact us today.
favorite local spots and events.
A place where she can be surrounded by familiarity in a time that is often so unfamiliar to most of us.
That is what 1 Assist Care of the Valley in Rexburg offers. The ability to age gracefully in the comfort of home. Where a member of our care team is able to take care of your mother in a place that she worked for decades to create. The ability to allow you and your siblings to honor your mother’s desire to stay home, coupled with your desire to make sure she is taken care of and safe, knowing that she is not alone or isolated.
The choice no longer has to be – Which assisted living facility do we put her in? Now the choice can be to keep her in her home with all of the amenities and help of an assisted living facility.
Want to find out more on how to keep Mom home? 1 Assist Care of the Valley will work with you to create a plan that works best for you and all loved ones involved. We service individuals and families from Idaho Falls to Rexburg to Ashton to Driggs.
To find out more or to create a plan for your mother’s care, just fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch. You can also call us at 208-557-4215.