Don’t let robodialers give you a headache. Stop them in their tracks with these four steps.
Have you ever picked up the phone from an unknown caller and heard silence on the other end?
Hang up!
Turns out it could be a company trying to collect your information so you can be victimized.
There are companies all over the world trying to collect people’s phone numbers so they can sell them to others who can use it for nefarious reasons.
If the call is legitimate, they will call you right back. If not, the “robodialers” have moved on to their next batch of numbers to call.
Here are five steps you can follow to reduce your risk of being a victim:
- Know the numbers of those you know and trust. Save numbers to your phone if you have a cell phone.
- If there is silence when you answer, respond with silence. Any noise can alert the company that you are a potential target.
- Hang up immediately. Do not give them the chance to reply.
- If an unwanted caller responds, save them as a “Marketer” (I have over 50 numbers saved as under the name “Marketer”)
- Again, if it is a machine or someone from a foreign company trying to sell you something like “pharmaceuticals,” block the number.
The phone is your friend! It allows you to reach people, to communicate with others, and to stay safe. Don’t let robodialers ruin your phone freedom!
For more information, here is the NPR article. Or you can listen below.